showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Dungeon Master Victor (FTL Software)1990 dungeoncrawler dungeonmaster-series gridmove group hunger idlenoise magic meleeweapons premadecharacters sorcery subterranean thrownweapons xp-literal labelimageminimize
The Magic Candle  Starcraft1991 city dwarves elves group halflings heroprotagonist humans hunger magiccandle-series mercenaries mystics resting saveram town labelimageminimize
Eye of the Beholder  Pony Canyon1992 adnd axes beholders bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows cephalopoids classbased disguisedtriggers dnd doors dualwielding dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elevators elves eob eob-engine fantasyworld femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forgottenrealms genderchoice giantinsects gridmove hazardouspowers heroprotagonist humans hunger insectoids jewelry keys knives lockpicking magic magicweapons maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters multiclassing oneeyedcreatures polearms pressureplates resting sewers skeletons slings sorcery spellmemory subterranean swords throwanything thrownweapons titularobject unarmedfighting undead weefolk xp-deeds xp-kills labelimageminimize
Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor  Ving (SSI)1994 5.25disk adnd aesopsound axes bludgeons bows charactercreation city classbased commercial disguisedtriggers dnd dungeon dungeoncrawler eob eob-engine forest forgottenrealms ghosts gridmove hags hunger inventory keyboard knives license-proprietary lockpicking magic medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse multiclassing oneeyedcreatures pressureplates resting ruins serious sorcery spellmemory swords throwanything titularlocale undead undeadmonsters uvl-tiein labelminimizeminimize